Anxiety,Stress,Habits,Fears & Phobias
- Acute anxiety and depression
" Stuart helped me to focus on what I needed to do to go forward and improve my life,to get the balance I needed. I would recommend Stuart because he used a relaxed,structured approach which I much preferred to other types of therapy." Male. Cumbria.
" The therapy gave me steps and a solid framework to work beyond my issues. You are a great teacher and some how knows how to feed back to you in a way that can be understood so that it sounds less muddled." Male North Lancashire.
" When I lost my parents my whole life changed and I felt utterly lost and I didn't know what to do. Having a friendly ear helped me to speak openly about my concerns and guiede me through my maze of indecisions until i aws able to get back on my feet and start thinking again about what i wanted to do. Stuart let me progress at my own pace and to discuss my worried without judgement. Being open and honest about my feelings was initially hard but talking to Stuart was a great help especially in the early days." Male North Lancashire.
- Anxiety over being with others
" The therapy is helpful because I can understand more about I am like I am. Stuart has a good understanding of how people's minds work and a pleasant manner of interacting with them. S. North Lancashire.
"Brilliant! I am still calm and in control after 12 months." - J. Lancashire
" I enjoyed then therapy sessions and looked forward to them. They helped me to develop new skills and chnaged my way of thinking." Male - Preston
- Anxiety and Panic Attacks
"Thank you for helping me to take control of my life." - K. Cumbria
" Natural way to get rid of negative thoughts...straight away...using skills...for my performance... provides strategies to cope with your issues- long term...."
R. Cumbria
" Stuart helped me with relaxation... being able to take a step back from situations and make positive decisions.. and gave me tools to be able to live more freely." C. Cumbria
" Stuart provided much needed rational sensitive help, when I faced a very emotional hurdle in my life. From the moment I made the very difficult decision to seek help, he provided the support and professional assistance to rationalise and control the emotional turmoil I was in to achieve my goal....Stuart's approach is flexible, caring and understanding and allows you to discuss any issues, freely and without feeling foolish. AM - Furness area.
" It has given me a much greater sense of confidence and self worth. It has made me realise that it is ok to be me. Stuart has a lovely non judgemental manner and talks you through what is going to happen in each session. He makes it very easy to be open and honest and is very encouraging." Female - Cumbria
- Anxieties In Social Situations
" It has helped reduce my anxieties in social situations that I was finding very stressful and enabled me to feel calm,in control and more confident within myself...I feel it has benefitted me enormously and so I have informed a friend who I feel would benefit from this service.." E. Cumbria
- Anxieties about making presentations at work
" I now feel more positive about presenting and I have a 'plan' in place to overcome some of the barriers I had before. I would recommend Stuart to you because like me, if somebody is willing to be open and allow someone else to help them, then I think they could benefit from this." S. Lancashire
- Anxiety about illness and forthcoming events
" The therapy was helpful because it made me think of things at a totally different perspective and will give me the tools to deal with things in the future. I would recommend this therapy for anxiety because it gives a totally different outlook on the issues affecting the individual which you yourself would never consider." S . South Cumbria.
- Anxiety and fear about giving a speech at a daughter's wedding
" The service has enabled me to see past events differently and to feel happy and confident about an important forthcoming event - giving a speech at my daughter's wedding. Stuart is a lovely,warm and empathic man.He is very calming when needed and very encouraging and positive. I would recommend him without hesitation." - female Cumbria
" I found that Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy taught me techniques to use when feeling overwhelmed. It taught me techniques to use when feeling anxious or can't sleep.It enabled me to take a step back from situations that have overwhelmed me. Mindfulness therapy is very useful- an alternative to taking medication- you learn a set of skills that you can use in various situations. I learned a lot from the therapy sessions - such as how you can take a step back from your job and realise other aspects of your life such as friends and family. female South Cumbria.
- Anxiety regarding car travel
" I found the therapy helpful because just through talking you find out thungs you never realised before. I would recommend the serviice to others because you feel a huge problem has been lifted just by talking about it." female N.Lancs
- Anxiety and worthlessness
" It helped me to clarify previous actions and decisions and to understand how I can make beter decisions in the future. It helped to build my self belief." Female - North Lancashire.
- Anxiety with High Cortisol Levels
" The therapy enabled me to change my perspectives through feeling different rather thna simply knowing. It is a practical approach rather than just talking things through with no solution." Female - North Lancashire.
" I feel I dealt with the issues that I came about but also got more from the sessions too. Clearly experienced - I felt in safe hands." Female - Cumbria
- Anxiety,Panic and Separation
" I have had the chance to resolve all my problems and fears which has given me the chance to start afresh.I know people thatb have the same problems I have had and only good can come from theees sessions. I am very grateful." Female- North Lancashire
" It allowed me to recognise elements of myself that I needed to adapt.Also, it has given me positive tolos to use in the future.It has given me a sense of calmness that I had not felt previously. I would recommend the combination of therapies because I have felt that it has positively impacted upon me and has helped me change my anxious outlook. I feel more confident within myself and how I will take on any future challenges and turn them into learning opportunities." Female Preston.
" The therapy has helped me to deal with a situation I was struggling with. I would recommend the therapy,even though I have not come across it before.I found it really interesting and feel that it worked." female - North Lancashire
- Completely overwhelmed by life
" The therapy and service were helpful because it means being able to talk through difficulties/situations with someone who is impartial and not emotionally involved. Discussing and establishing techniques and strategies to deal with and overcome emotional difficulties within my own home through creating a very calm supportive atmosphere. I would recommend the service to others because it enables you to obtain help in addressing issues which are affecting the quality of life." M. Cumbria
- Overcoming depression using Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)
" The course was more than helpful. Before starting the mindfulness course I was at my wits end with stress,anxiety and depression - my stress levels have fallen about 80%. I would most definitely recommend Stuart to help you because people don't realise just how stressful life is." male- Cumbria
- Significant Anxiety Attacks
" I came to therapy because of significant anxiety attacks when under pressure, mostly work pressure, turning into a 'little boy lost' .The therapy has enabled me to remove those levels of anxiety from the pressures in my life,to enable me to cope in a much more level and real way.
I would absolutely recommend the service and therapy which Stuart provides because it works,it is good value for money. Stuart explains the processes clearly and there is a clear and an agreed end point - so very logical and that's what makes the therapy easy to be part of." G. Lancashire
" Stuart is very helpful. He is a good listener and remains objective throughout the sessions.He helped me to develop coping strategies for dealing with one issue at a time.He made me feel at ease and I trusted his advice and focus on health,wellbeing and relaxation.I would highly recommend Stuart because he helped me to turn around negative life experiences into positive coping strategies.The mental stress I found to be exhausting and Stuart helped me not to feel guilty at having 'me time'.He made me feel sane again after feeling like the whole world was plotting against me! I cannot thank you enough - onwards and upwards now. - H. Cumbria
- Anxiety in the work place
" The therapy was very helpful. It enabled me to build my own empowerment and feel better about myself. I felt comfortable, encouraged and welcome. I would recommend such help and support for others in a similar situation because I feel very positive about the help and support I received." Female N.Lancs
" The service was very helpful. It cured me of a life long phobia in just one session, how I wish I had met Stuart years ago. I have already recommended the service to others. I thought Stuart could help with their problems and again this has been successful." J. Cumbria
"Very supportive,a good listener and encouraging in the face of this client's lack of confidence after a stroke and late onset epilepsy.I think ....will be perfectly able to adapt to the variety of clients and their problems as they arise. ...Plus he seems to have an understanding gained from his own life experiences" M. Cumbria
- Fear of spiders and social anxiety
" I found the service very useful because it made me feel more positive,happy and enthusiastic. I would definitely recommend Stuart to others in a similar position." J . Lancashire
- Phobias - fear of spiders
"Home visits were brilliant because it helped me to deal with the fear.The care,understanding and step by step approach really helped.Thanks so much." - H. Lancashire
" The therapy was very helpful.I felt I could talk freely.I have already recommended Stuart's service to others.I have also been to the dentist by myself for the first time in years since the therapy with no problems at all.Thank you very much." - - female South Cumbria
- Fear of the post,offcialdom and what the immediate future might hold
" The service which Stuart offered was very helpful because it provided me with a new lease of life. It is a very satisfactory service and I think anyone who comes here will benefit." Female - N.Yorkshire.
- Feeling Completely Overwhelmed By Life Situations
" Stuart has helped me to re-focus and get my life back on track. It has helped me to realise that I can have a happy future.I have struggled throughtout my life and have been to see a counsellor in the past but this therapy has suited me best as I feel I have achieved!! Whereas in the past I felt I needed something which was structured after counselling. This therapy gives you purpose and something to aim for! - Female Cumbria
" I have a better understanding of the issues now. The therapy works if you let it." Male- North Lancashire.
" I found the combination of therapies and techniques very helpful because it has changed the way I think and view myself. I would recommend Stuart 100% because I think everyone could learn something from this therapy, even if they had no anxiety etc,.I have also learned a lot about myself during this process." Female - North Lancashire
"The combination of therapies has helped me to understand myself and my unconscious mind. It has helped me overcome and manage anxiety, by helping me understand my triggers and the reasons behind them. I believe talking through issues helps make sense of them and the feelings and sensations. More importantly it helps to control them and to realise how a person can be their best self."
Health Related Issues
" Stuart helped to reinforce my self confidence to enable me to continue my aims....through a pleasant,attentive and caring approach...." - D. Lancashire
" The service which Stuart offered was extremely helpful. The last time I was pregnant I was constantly desperate for a drink. This time I just don't care. Something very powerful happened during the sessions. I am so grateful. THANK YOU! There were times when I felt I could have done with a longer session, maybe a 1.5 hr session. I have already recommended Stuart's service and therapy to others. The previous therapies I'd received were all based around preventing my drinking. This is the only time in my life I have been able to understand WHY I drink. I feel amazing in myself !" - Female - North Lancashire.
" Stuart helped me unlock and release the reason behind my drinking and how that release and realisation has enabled me to control the problem. I would recommend Stuart as I believe from my experience Stuart is able to help anyone with whatever problems they may have." - Male - Cumbria
" Stuart made me see more clearly that I can have and do have the willpower to resist my temptations...made me concentrate on different ways to beat my sugar addiction...made me focus on my main goal and gave me the confidence to achieve my goal" -- J. Lancashire
- Addiction - Drinking problem
" Stuart is friendly and professional. His therapy sessions are relaxing and positive.His approach gave me the confidence I needed to face my issues and look at options for the future. Stuart is professional but approachable and easy to talk to. I am confident that anyone who needed help would fin it here.I certainly feel hopeful and looking forward." female Cumbria
- Cancer - readjusting to life after treatment
" The support and therapy provided by Stuart was helpful. It gave me a time and a place to give some thought to my situation. Stuart always gave me chance to relax. He understood my answers, however vague,and gave me an accurate precis. I don't think the service could be improved but it might have been useful to have some idea from the start how the sessions would progress.Having said that I guess that they evolve as the sessions progress. I would recommend Stuart to others because he provides a good forum to express your thoughts,get feedback - have someone else to talk to." K. Cumbria
- Post Cancer - readjusting weight issues
" With Stuart's help it made me more confident in my own abilities. It gives you a belief in yourself." - female North Lancashire.
- Inner Child Healing Therapy
"I feel more confident in myself,safer as a result of meeting with my inner child.I feel more loving now.It has been a life changing therapy for me and the benefits are fantastic." - J. Cumbria
" The therapy was helpful because it has given me the techniques and motivation to use relaxation as a physical, mental and psychological self therapy to improve my sleep. I would recommend the service as I feel that such a therapy/service would be of great benefit should others find themselves in the same need as myself." P . South Cumbria
"It helped me overcome a lot of factors which were troubling me ...to lower my IBS ...in a relaxed atmosphere." - J. Cumbria
" Stuart helped me to reassess and re-evaluate things from another angle.He picked me up from a bad spot.I would definitely recommend Stuart.He offers a very good reliable service and is consistent in his approaches.I guess it all depends on the individual.You get out of it what you want to put into it. A. Cumbria.
" The therapy which Stuart offered was very relaxing for my body and the symptoms ceased for a while.It helped me to realise what I should do in life. I found that when I was relaxed I had few new thoughts." male - North Lancashire
"The relaxation sessions on the tape are always helpful and I use the tape to reduce the pain in my knee. Stuart has the right approach,is very thorough and he modifies the therapy to meet the needs of the client. I would recommend Stuart to anyone seeking help in this way." - R. Cumbria
" It gave me the tools and positivity to achieve my goal.The therapy helps with many problems in a positive way." E. Cumbria
- Schizo- Affective Disorder
" I found the last session on mindfulness helpful and the sessions with the three chairs and laying paper on the floor to denote stages of reaching comparisons.I think because they were practical." Female - South Lakes.
"Very quick to respond to my inquiry and within 2 sessions I had stopped smoking. I still remain a non smoker thanks to Stuart's friendly,calm,professional approach." - H. Lancashire
" My objective was to stop smoking and I did. You helped me to look at why and when I smoked. Once I stopped I did not however use any of the techniques you gave me. If the desire to smoke was there, I just observed the thought and let it go. Now I just get on with life. Cigarettes do no feature. You do have excellent counselling skills which I'm sure will help in other situations." M Cumbria
" I have wanted to give up smoking for a number of years. The therapy I received off Mr.Graves was very helpful. I would recommend the service to other smokers because what he did for me worked." M. Cumbria
" Individualised tailored therapy which is meaningful to me. The therapy has reinforced my personal aspirations to manage my weight in a healthy and consistent way which I am comfortable with and pleased with.My emotional bank balance has lots of deposits now.
Stuart is very understanding,non-judgemental,very easy to work with and is keen for the sessions to be a positive experience.I wholeheartedly recommend his services" L. Cumbria
" Very beneficial - Yes.
Stuart helped by allowing me to step back, take time out and see where the problems were and to do something about it. I would definitely recommend the service because it's gonna work for me ! It is ' reasonable and achievable.' " S. Lancashire
" The sessions put things back into perspective and not to panic or over analyse if I go off track. It covered all the angles not just the goal of losing weight." Female - Preston
" Stuart enabled me to be aware of the choices that I can make,various tools/strategies that I can use to maintain a better relationsip with food.I learned a lot about myself. The approaches were flexible and appropriate and I felt listened to and understood, accepted and encouiraged to move on. The therapy was effective and personally tailored and adapted to what I needed.It was well paced and I never felt I was pushed but also not allowed to remain stuck,I am very grateful for all that I have received." Female - Cumbria
" The therapy helped me very much and it was good therapy and advice. The service was excellent and I would recommend it to others. The sessions were very relaxed and enabled good reflections on life and practical advice." Male Cumbria
Social Issues
"I was very unhappy,unstable,desperate even.This was my cry for help and help is what I received,be it opening my heart to a complete stranger ( an expert may I add) who was able to help me structure my life and point me in the right direction,or be it giving myself the confidence and control I need....
I can imagine there would be , as I felt, a bit of a stigma attached to therapy,in that people may feel slightly embarrassed...receiving this treatment.But knowing what I know about how it works,I will certainly be telling people I know,who may have problems of different types,... don't be embarrassed,don't be shy,have the courage to see a therapist.. there's no harm in trying folks..." P - North Cumbria.
" I found the therapy helpful because it made me see how I can control my anger. Also made me see what is important in life. I would recommend the therapy to others because it is very professional, consistent, Stuart listens to all the details and he explains everything clearly." Male - N.Lancs.
"Stuart helped me to build up my confidence and I feel so much in control now." - R. Cumbria
"Thank you so much for helping to build up 'F's' confidence" -S&F Lancashire
"I've noticed changes in myself and other people have noticed and commented on the ways in which I have changed.I would recommend Stuart's service and therapy because he can help others like he has helped me." - R. Cumbria
- Lack of confidence and poor self image
" The therapy sessions helped me become more focused and to get on and move on with my life. I would recommend Stuart to others because he helps you to learn more about yourself. It's calming and relaxing. You can let go of thoughts and be able to talk to someone about your issues." E. North Yorkshire
"Thank you so much.What a difference in such a short time." - D&L. Lancashire
" Stuart really knows how to use the techniques to gain the best outcome. He has helped me to gain perspective on some past negative feelings. It has helped me to to control my negetive thought processes and given me new hope for my future by taking control. " Female - North Lancashire.
" Sturat helped me to understand my ways of thinking and whi I thought in those ways.It has given me a different perspective and goals to work towards. Stuart is very easy to talk to and very flexible." Female - Cumbria
- Feeling unloved and uncherished
" Definitely long overdue help given. It was well structured and gently delivered. Stuart explained the processes wellBefore I just talked about my problems but this time with Stuart i explored them with his guidance.Everyone should have the opportunity to explore this process." Female - Cumbria
"Thank you for helping.'A' has come on in leaps and bounds since you offered to help." - M & A. Lancashir
"You made the sessions so enjoyable for us it's no wonder there was so much improvement." - L &S Lancashire
"Your enthusiasm and relaxed way of working are an inspiration." - J & L, Lancashire
"Fantastic.With your help I passed my driving test." - S Cumbria
"We....want to thank you immensely for your help and support to date, it has been invaluable." - D, West Cumbria [Dyspraxia]
" It was very helpful for my daughter who was struggling with Maths formulas and remembering processes. I would very much so recommend Stuart's service as he boosted my daughter's confidence and her Maths skills have improved so much over a short period of time......but in just a couple of visits the teachers had noticed a huge change in my daughter's confidence and ability to conquer even the most tricky maths homework. " J. Lancashire
- Passing a Driving Test/Fear of driving
" The service really helped me because it helped me believe in myself and my own abilities and overcome my fear of driving a car. I would recommend the therapy that Stuart offers because he is very considerate, professional and has a great attention to detail. I believe the hypnotherapy really helped me. The personalised CD's which Stuart provided were great as I could listen to them over and over again whenever I wanted to. L . Cumbria
" Made me more relaxed, calm and confident on the approach to my driving test.- Passed with one minor point." Female - Cumbria
- Giving a Public Presentation
" I found the sessions helpful because it put me in a more positive frame of mind for understanding the tasks in the future. I would recommend Stuart because I believe I have had a very positive experience and I am glad I have tried it." D. Cumbria.
" I did the Brathay half marathon this weekend and did it in 2hrs on the nose. In our last session we talked about goals and this was it. It was tough as I had a few injuries in training which meant I had to reduce my training but I am happy with the result today and I know next time I will be quicker." Male - South Cumbria
" Stuart enabled me to put a lot of things into perspective. I had been influenced by the negative perceptions of others. The reality is that I believe they feel threatened by my ability and I will now focus on that. Stuart employed a great number of strategies and perhaps my perception was that I would have been subject to more hypnotherapy. But - Stuart is the professional and I accepted what he presented me with.
I would highly recommend his services. Stuart is very professional and dedicated to his work. Each session was thoroughly prepared and he has a very warm disposition with clients. ' Customer care' first class.
PS I played last night and won !!" M. Cumbria
- Talk given to WI Sedbergh on Hypnotherapy
" The talk given by Stuart was interesting and entertaining. We would recommend Stuart to others because the talk took away some people's fears of hypnosis and made it more acceptable. Sedbergh WI
" The therapy offered by Stuart focused on my needs - this is important. Pace and content were appropriate - progress was only when I felt it was appropriate. I was happy with the service provided - which was unique to me and my needs. I would recommend it to others because the system used is versatile and transferrable.If it works for me it could be useful to others." Male. North Lancashire.
‘From the present to the future via the past’